THG Realty presents our clients a variety of top-notch services that boost the chances of their listed property to attract buyers. These include different types of visual demonstrations of the property, which can be used to advertise it on print and digital media sources respectively. Through these services, we present the most accurate depiction of your home, and to capture the true feel and lifestyle that it offers.
THG Realty presents our clients a variety of top-notch services that boost the chances of their listed property to attract buyers. These include different types of visual demonstrations of the property, which can be used to advertise it on print and digital media sources respectively. Through these services, we present the most accurate depiction of your home, and to capture the true feel and lifestyle that it offers.
Among our high-quality services is the GoVirtual tour, which offers video walk-through tours of your listed property to interested buyers who are unable to visit in person. The biggest benefit of our video tour service is that anyone who is interested in buying your property can view it from anywhere in the world. This way, you won’t be bothered to give a tour of your property to half-interested parties, or “passers-by”. Only those who are extremely interested will visit in person after having a video tour of the place. Our virtual tours of your property will provide a high-quality experience to the viewers, who will be able to explore your place at their own pace. This 360-degree walk-through tour of your place will be available to be watched 24/7. Our video walk-through service includes highly interactive features, which help the viewer conveniently navigate throughout each part of the house from every possible angle. By choosing our GoVirtual Tour service, you will ensure that every interested buyers realizes your home’s full potential.
For maximizing the quality of viewing experience of your listed property, you can choose our premium GoVirtual Tour service. This service utilizes the state-of-the-art Matterport cameras to capture your property’s images. These images are later processed to produce stunning 3D visuals of your house in 4k HD. The Premium GoVirtual service gives the viewer a highly immersive 360-degree virtual reality tour of your property. All the prominent features of the house are listed while you are viewing them, while exact dimensions of each space can also be seen. These highly interactive tours feature 3D views in which the viewer can choose to look at the property from every angle to get a clear idea of what this home has to offer. Through this service, we will be able to bring your listing to life through our 4k HD Matterport house tours.